Youth Tree Team Manager

The deadline to apply for this job has passed.


Keep Indianapolis Beautiful

Job Posted

January 27, 2025

Job status

Job Category

Job Type

Job Duration

Job Compensation Type



Contact Name

Audrey Brinkers

Contact Email

Deadline to Apply


1029 Fletcher Ave Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN
United States
Spend a summer outside working with Keep Indianapolis Beautiful! Mentor high school team members, develop leadership
and teaching skills, and work on tree care and stewardship projects together as a Youth Tree Team Leader.


Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIB) is an environmental and community nonprofit with a mission to help people and nature thrive. We partner with neighborhoods, local government, universities, community groups, and businesses to achieve our vision of an Indianapolis that is loved, cared for, and ecologically rich. We work with thousands of volunteers each year to plant trees and native landscapes, organize litter cleanups, develop, and support community placemaking, restore habitat, and employ youth. 

KIB’s Youth Tree Team (YTT) Program is a summer job skills development program for high school students and adult leaders. YTT functions as one of KIB’s primary boots-on-the-ground maintenance teams and is responsible for the maintenance of trees planted within the city of Indianapolis through our Community Forestry program. The program also includes weekly enrichment activities that expose YTT members to a variety of personal and professional development opportunities. YTT Leaders are responsible for managing and transporting crews of 11 high school students to and from worksites to perform tree maintenance work throughout the city.  

Applicants should view the full position description and submit their resume and cover letter for the Youth Tree Team Leader (Summer Job) on the Keep Indianapolis Beautiful website,

Applications close on Monday, March 10. Please reach out to Audrey Brinkers, Youth Tree Team Manager, at with any questions. Thank you for your interest in the position.

Compensation Information

$17/hr; 30-40 hours/week