Project Manager

This job has expired.


Massachusetts Environmental Education Society (MEES)

Job Posted

February 1, 2024

Job status

Job Category

Job Type

Job Duration

Job Compensation Type



Contact Email

Deadline to Apply


United States
The Massachusetts Environmental Education Society (MEES) seeks a contract Project Manager (10 month position estimated at 12 hours a week on average) to support MEES through our community engagement and strategic planning process in 2024.


Throughout the year, we will engage the environmental education (EE) community in Massachusetts to understand their aspirations and the challenges they face. We will evaluate how MEES can better serve the EE community, and develop a strategic plan to do so. The Project Manager will work with our team of strategic planning consultants and our MEES Board of Directors in outreach, engagement, logistics, facilitation, and most importantly, weaving together the conversations, ideas, and energy that will bring our strategic plan to life.

The Project Manager will also ensure that vital functions of MEES (e.g., communications, reporting) continue to operate through 2024, with support of the Board. This position is considered to be an independent contract reporting to the MEES Board executive team. The hours are flexible within each week. The position requires virtual attendance at monthly Board meetings (1x/month) and meetings with both strategic planning consultants and our Board action teams. If the hiring timeline permits, the Project Manager should plan to attend MEES’s in-person conference in Worcester, MA, on March 6, 2024.



  • Work closely with consultants and Board members to organize and move strategic planning forward
  • Coordinate outreach for community engagement
  • Shepard the strategic plan forward in the Fall after the consultants have provided final report, reorienting the goals of the organization to match the priorities of the plan


  • Activate existing and engage new Board members
  • Attend and support monthly MEES Board meetings
  • Attend and support Board action team meetings (Conference, Strategic Action, Governance, Fundraising); each team meets up to 2x/month, varying throughout the year
  • Meet bi-weekly with MEES executive team to provide updates/prioritize needs


  • Attend regional NAAEE affiliate meetings as applicable (ED, fundraising, etc.)
  • Attend partner events as applicable (MAST conference, NAAEE conference, Regional
  • gatherings)


  • Support MEES fundraising, grant applications, and reporting
  • Help guide a sustain plan for continued paid staffing for MEES in 2025 and beyond


  • Coordinate with Board support
  • Create regular (1-3x/quarter) e-newsletter and any other mass communication as
  • needed
  • Check and respond to MEES emails regularly (4-5x/week)
  • Review and update MEES website including posts to job listings, events, professional
  • development, conference, seasonal changes, etc.
  • Create social media posts as needed


  • Strategic thinker and skilled networker
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills High attention to detail; organized
  • Comfort working and communicating with people from diverse backgrounds
  • Comfort managing others, delegating work, and keeping people on track
  • Self-directed; comfortable working with minimal supervision
  • Experience working in the non-profit sector, including organizational development,
  • fundraising, and governance
  • Ability to work as an independent contractor


  • Experience with and enthusiasm for outdoor and environmental education or a related field
  • Familiarity with editing and maintaining a website using WordPress
  • Experience with and maintaining social media platforms
  • Familiarity with email marketing platforms (currently using Mailerlite)


To Apply:

Please send your resume and cover letter by February 9 to:
MEES Board,

Compensation Information

Schedule and Compensation:

Compensation is commensurate with experience: $25 – $30/hour, approximately 12 hours a week, March through December, 2024. There is a potential to increase hours and duration of contract if funds become available.

A memorandum of understanding will be provided and signed by both parties.