Environmental Educator

The deadline to apply for this job has passed.


Wild Rivers Conservancy

Job Posted

March 17, 2025

Job status

Job Category

Job Type

Job Duration

Job Compensation Type




Contact Name

Wendy Tremblay

Contact Email


Contact Phone


Deadline to Apply


Osceola, WI 54020-0938
Osceola, WI
United States
Wild Rivers Conservancy of the St. Croix & Namekagon seeks an energetic individual with the ability to think on their feet, who doesn’t mind getting a little dirty, and who is passionate about inspiring future generations. As the official nonprofit partner of the St. Croix National Scenic Riverway, we work closely with the National Park Service staff to conserve our wild and scenic rivers. Someone who enjoys working with children, both STEM and adventure programming (i.e. fishing, mucking), and coming up with new and exciting ways to build empathetic connections with the Riverway will thrive in this position.


Working under the direction of the Environmental Education Coordinator, the Environmental Educator’s primary function is to inspire and educate K-12 students to the Riverway through our Rivers Are Alive (RAA) Environmental Education program. This staff will help facilitate environmental and outdoor exploration lessons and activities in the St. Croix watershed, assist with K-12 and public outreach events, and educate the public on the ecological state of the Riverway.

Core Functions 

● Deliver K-12 environmental education field trips and activities at schools, camps, and other locations throughout the St. Croix watershed 

● Facilitate interactive lessons and activities for people of all ages at community events and outdoor recreation activities such as fishing, hiking, and birding 

● Help with creating a robust summer library partnership program 

● Assist with special youth events, such as Wild River Journey, St. Croix Youth Summit, and RAA Teacher Workshops 

● Collaborate with St. Croix National Scenic Riverway Interpretation and Education staff and Riverway Volunteers to deliver programs ● Maintain and care for program supplies and equipment 

● Assist with curriculum development, promotion of the RAA Program, and Community Engagement initiatives, as needed

To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to Wendy Tremblay, Community Engagement Manager, at careers@wildriversconservancy.org. Applications are due by March 28th, or until the position is filled. Applications will be reviewed as they are submitted, and interviews may be offered before the closing date.

Compensation Information

The Environmental Educator is a seasonal, temporary position that ranges between 32 and 40 hours a week, beginning in mid-April and ending in October. The starting wage is $16-17 hourly, and start and end dates can be flexible within those months. Preference may be given to those who can stay until the end of October. The Wild Rivers Conservancy office is located in the picturesque river town of Osceola, Wisconsin. This position will require some travel for programs and activities throughout the St. Croix watershed and will require working some nights and weekends.