WV Stream Partners AmeriCorps VISTA

This job has expired.


Department of Environmental Protection

Job Posted

March 6, 2023

Job Type

Job Duration

Job Compensation Type




Job Listing


Contact Name

Jennifer Pauer

Contact Email


Contact Phone


Deadline to Apply


Charleston, WV
United States
Stewards Individual Placements is looking for passionate, adventurous, and driven individuals who are ready to roll up their sleeves and help
communities and local organizations around the country. If you are ready for an immersive, year-long experience of living, serving, and
collaborating with local leaders and community members, then Stewards’ AmeriCorps VISTA program is your kind of program.

So how do Stewards VISTAs participate in local action geared towards creating an enduring impact?

The list is too long to jot down here, but just a few examples include grant-writing, educational program coordination and curriculum building, community engagement, asset mapping, data analysis, volunteer recruitment, and more! If it helps create capacity and build sustainability, you’ll often times find a Stewards VISTA is responsible.


WV Stream Partners VISTA Team members will work with watershed associations across the state. Starting with existing leaders and grants, they will find more volunteers and funding, increase the organization's capacity and enhance environmental stewardship in the community. VISTA members will focus on projects that bring attention to a single watershed association's work and spark tourism and economic development within the community. They will foster new partnerships and increase membership and financial support by creating unique
and exciting projects that connect economic development to the stream or river.

For more information on the WV Stream Partners Program and our areas of work visit: https://www.wvca.us/stream/
If you have a passion for the environment, clean water and being a part of local people with the same drive and passion, apply to become a VISTA Team member in our Charleston Office.

Compensation Information

Charleston Career Opportunity