Crew Member, July-December



Job Posted

June 12, 2023

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Contact Name

Nadia Feeney

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Seattle, WA
United States
Colonization, resource extraction, development, urbanization and agriculture activities have degraded air, water and soil quality, and destroyed natural habitats. Ecological restoration is one tool to address these impacts and care for our land. Crews at EarthCorps have an opportunity to directly improve the resiliency of our land by restoring habitat, improving water and air quality, reducing erosion, sequestering carbon and engaging the broader community to become stewards of our shared resource. The EarthCorps program is an opportunity to gain hands on experience in environmental restoration. Crew Members will serve on crews of 5-7 members led by an EarthCorps crew leader. Crew members will make a difference on the land through on-the-ground restoration projects throughout Western Washington.


In addition to impactful service, corps members have the opportunity to grow professionally and personally through training, engaging with environmental agencies, collaborating with staff, providing feedback, and practicing structured reflection. Corps members learn valuable team building skills as they work on their communication skills, conflict resolution management, and leadership capacity. 

PLEASE NOTE: A cover letter is required when applying for this job. In your letter, please describe, as specifically as you can, how your experience, interests, and values are a good fit for this position and with EarthCorps. In addition, please share how your lived and/or professional experiences inform your understanding of what it means to be anti-racist.   

To be considered, please submit an application directly through our website, by visiting

Program opportunities, responsibilities, and intended outcomes:

Field Service (80% of program) 

Crews complete restoration projects in partnership with various land management agencies, throughout the Puget Sound region (in urban, suburban, and rural settings). Crews are introduced to a broad range of project sites, different techniques and approaches to ecological restoration. This broad exposure will provide participants with skills to implement best management practices in restoration, an appreciation of the challenges of restoration and an understanding of the field of environmental restoration work. To better understand the types of projects crews work on please review some project overviews: linked here.  

Project Implementation: Crew Members are responsible for the efficiency of accomplishing projects and the quality of the final product under supervision from project staff. All Corps Members and staff are responsible for the safety of themselves, their fellow workers, and members of the public who may be involved with projects. 


What type of service will Crew Members perform?   

Field Service Projects (and estimates of their typical percentage of the program):  

  • Initial invasive plant removal (manual/ mechanical)     25%
  • Invasive plant control (herbicide)             20% 
  • Native plant installation (planting)                15%
  • Stewardship/ Site maintenance             20%
  • Trail construction/maintenance            20% 

Multiple camping trips. Camping trips provide corps members a chance to learn or practice camping skills as well as deepen team development. In 2022 most organized camping trips were done in a front country (non-wilderness) setting. Typical duration of these trips is 3-4 nights, with the potential for a 10 day trip as well.  In 2022 the number of annual nights camping ranged from 25-40 nights, equivalent to roughly 1-2 weeks of camping per month. 

Training and Workshops (20% of the program) 

EarthCorps is a service-learning program. This means in addition to learning from fieldwork, corps members will attend trainings that develop skills and context for restoration activities. Facilitators will use a combination of lectures, discussions, reflections, site tours and hands-on assignments. For 2023 corps year we plan to conduct these trainings online or in a socially distanced manner. The following range of topics introduces corps members to the field of restoration and develops interpersonal skills: 

Habitat Restoration: 

  • Ecology, Land Management, Restoration Theory and Skills 
  • Pacific Northwest natural history and plant identification 
  • Exposure to the restoration industry and local environmental network 

Community building: 

  • Environmental justice and anti-racism 
  • Exposure to local community organizations and land acknowledgement workshops 
  • Progressing diversity, equity, and inclusion goals within the corps and organization 


  • Understanding of leadership theory and personal leadership style 
  • Collaboration in a small team and community building across teams at EarthCorps 


Successful applicants will demonstrate the following: 

  • Ability and desire to work hard, outdoors and in all weather conditions 
  • Commitment to cooperation and teamwork 
  • Commitment to integrating social, racial, and economic justice lenses to our work 
  • Eligibility for AmeriCorps and ability to complete term of service 
  • Commitment to following CDC and EarthCorps’ COVID-19 policies  
  • Ability to lift up to 50 pounds (22.5 kg); Hike up to 8 miles (13 km) in steep terrain while carrying 40 pounds (18kg) of weight  
  • Experience in the outdoors or physical labor 
  • Commitment to community service and previous experience in volunteer service 
  • Enthusiasm for environmental conservation, science, recreation, or other related fields 
  • Capacity to learn and grow in a service-based training position 

Environmental restoration is a physically, mentally, and emotionally demanding service that takes place outdoors in all weather conditions. Service regularly involves: 

  • Long days of repetitively swinging heavy tools, shoveling, digging, and pulling. 
  • Heavy lifting up to 50 lbs. and bending 
  • Physically demanding activities, eating, and camping outdoors in all weather conditions such as rain, heat, smoke, wind, and snow. 
  • Safely handling herbicides with proper training. 
  • Interacting and collaborating with others on a daily basis online and in-person 

Compensation Information


  • PERIOD OF SERVICE: June 1st, 2023 – December 14, 2023 
  • RATE OF PAY: Living stipend of $2,278.10/mo (before taxes) 
  • TYPICAL HOURS OF SERVICE: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday – Friday, alternating Mondays off,  Occasional Saturdays required. 
  • STATUS: Temporary - Enrolled in AmeriCorps through the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). AmeriCorps members must abide by policies set by CNCS and complete 900 hours of service, including mandatory trainings 


  • AmeriCorps education award of $3,247.50 upon completion of 900 hours  
  • Days off, Holidays and sick time permissible as designated by EarthCorps 
  • Medical, Vision, and Dental Insurance  
  • Subsidized ORCA Pass for bus transportation  
  • Education & Training 
  • Boots, pants, t-shirt, rain gear and safety equipment provided